GPA is a graphical frontend to GnuPG Small sized GPG command-line tool for Windows. Scute is a PKCS#11 provider on top of GnuPG. GPGME is the standard library to access GnuPG functions from programming languages. Remarks: Pinentry is a collection of passphrase entry dialogs which is required for almost all usages of GnuPG. It is wise and more secure to check out for their integrity.
The document is available in several formats which can be. It started life as an outline for a talk Brendan was going to give in his Cryptology class, but it quickly grew into a document that stands on its own. This guide, written by Brendan Kidwell, shows you how to use the free public key cryptography system GnuPG from a Windows user perspective. From a command line (Start -> Run -> type cmd -> OK), type gpg -version A Practical Introduction to GPG in Windows. In order for this to take effect you must close any open command windows and start a new one. Click OK until you're out of the System dialog box.
Choose Path, and select Edit, and to the very end of the value add C:\Program Files\GnuPG (note the preceding semi-colon).